Anli Bolnivard

Dancer – Musician – Immigrant – HeroAn immigrant and newcomer to Eorzea, this cheerful wandering dancer and musician seeks out adventure in the wider beyond…


Name: Anli BolnivardNickname: "Sticks”, “Crazy Girl”
Age: 21Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'teClan: Seeker of the Sun
Orientation: HeterosexualMarital: Not Interested
Family: Brighid Bolnivard (Aunt; Deceased), Doctor Kaleb M’avyare (Long-time Friend)Diety: The Goddess, Tree and Spirits
Nationality: ImmigrantOccupation: Dancer, Musician, Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic GoodResidence: Wanders
Free Company: Fera Intus (OOC)Voice Claim: Ashly Burch (Qwydion – Dragon Age: Absolution)

Cheerful. Playful. Sweet. Fire-cracker. All of these things describe Anli Bolnivard to a T. She'll happily bounce right up to someone just to say hello and make small-talk, and is quite a chatter-box.
She is a romantic in every sense of the word, wearing her heart on her sleeve and open about her thoughts and feelings. Anli is a noble young woman, eager to be a hero and jump in to help someone in trouble, provide comfort or just butt her nose into someone else's business.Anli is the sort of person whom will happily get into anything and everything; whatever happens to catch her eye, she delves into it with a new zeal and passion. The girl has a true zest for life, eager to experience it fully.Anli also has quite the short-fused temper! Fiery, fiesty, and head-strong, she has a zealous sense of justice and righteousness. Anli stubbornly and passionately abhors the bullies of the world, and makes no secret about it!With a collection of musical instruments, a journal to scribble down lyrics and poems, and a song in her heart and her voice, Anli skips, dances and weaves through life. She goes from one place and one adventure to another, bringing along with her only happy memories of names and faces.Motivations: Freedom, Adventure, and Fun. To sing and dance her way through her life in music and song. To become a hero of yore and legend. To see the whole breadth of the world.Disposition: Sunny and cheerful. Has a playful sense of humor with a deep love and zest for life, adventure and music. Wears her heart on her sleeve and is openly compassionate, she dives into life headfirst.Outlook: Cheerful, playful and outgoing with an open mind and a big heart. Nothing seems to keep her down for long, and she's fiery enough to punch back when knocked down.

Positive Traits
Friendly, Cheerful, Playful, Compassionate, Kind-Hearted Hero-type, Intelligent, Creative and enjoys music, dance and song-writing, Curious, Energetic, Zest for life, Justice-oriented, Free-spirited
Negative Traits
Stubborn, Short-tempered, Self-Righteous, Nosy, Loud, Flakey, Childish, Tendencies for low confidence
Music, Dancing, Singing, Blowing Stuff Up, Tinkering, Fire Magic, Cheese, Sweets, Animals, Cheese, Counting Stars, Stepping on Leaves, Cheese, Penguins, Crabs, Treasure Maps, Pretty-Long-Haired Men, Cheese, oh and Cheese.
Bullies, Rainy Weather, Creepy-Crawlies, Bullies, Sleeping on rough ground, People interrupting her music, Loneliness, Musician's Block, Animals being hurt, Bullies, Not being able to dance or sing, Not having any cheese, Bullies
Favorite Food: Cheese! Favorite Drink: Anything Sweet! Favorite Color: Pinks, Lavenders, Teals. Favorite Flower: Forget-Me-Nots, Yellow Tulips. Favorite Scent: Citrus, Vanilla. Favorite Place: Anywhere she can honestly get to! Favorite Vices: Long-haired Knightly Types; Cheese!
Chatter box, Always fidgeting, Seemingly naive yet savvier than she appears, Flirty in a silly way, Irreverent, Loud-mouth, Bear-Hugger, Will chat with anyone and everyone, Just a happy camper
Being alone, Abandonment, Being tied down, Not being enough, Creepy crawlies, Having to go back to her homeland, Not having freedom, The idea of finding true love...?
Talented Dancer, Fantastic Singer, Devoted Songwriter, Talented Musician, Mean Right-Hook, "Engineering" (really just blowing things up), Good at Weird Tinkering Experiments, Athletic, Passionate Connoisseur of Cheese, and thinks old Treasure Maps are cool


Height: 5 Fulm, 1 Ilm – Anli is fairly petite by Miqo'te standards, and is a petite woman overall.Weight: 112 Ponz– Anli's weight comes from a body made toned by travel and lots of dancing!Body: Anli is petite, slender with a toned athletic frame. Combined with very soft and shapely curves, especially in her legs and hips, she very much has the build of a dancing beauty.Complexion: Peachy-toned and healthy, Anli has subtle tan lines across her body from all of the time she spent traveling outdoors. Very fair by Seeker standards, Anli has a liberal dusting of freckles across her shoulders and face. Overall free of blemishes and scars, Anli takes good care of her skin when she has a slow moment.Face: Heart-shaped face with rosy cheeks and many, many freckles, Anli is quite the fresh-faced beauty. With bright blue eyes, petal-pink lips and dainty brows and nose, Anli is free of scars and blemishes, and appears to take great care of her appearance when she can. There is a very subtle touch of rosy-hued makeup.Hair: Very long, thick and silky-soft to the touch, Anli's hair is a bright sunny-gold blonde. She never wears it tied back or in up-dos, preferring to let it be loose and flowing over her shoulders. It's always cleaned and well groomed, and often has cute flowers, beads, her green bandana or a collection of painted ivory hair-sticks decorating the golden tresses.Fashion: Anli's tastes are simple: she likes clean clothing with clean lines and designs and not too many frills. Her tastes in jewelry are even simpler; nothing flashy! She prefers wearing a colorful array of pinks, reds, lavenders and purples with the occasional splash of teal and turquoise in her attire. When she is performing, she'll dress up in flashier, prettier or skimpier clothing, but ultimately prefers a comfortable fit. She does not like to wear dresses, and she rarely wears fancy jewelry.


Disciple of War

Anli is no fighter, but it does not stop her from being able to throw-down in a fight or defend herself. In addition to scrappy fisticuffs, Anli is skilled in fighting with bladed chakrams. She is small, light and very quick on her feet, deft in her movements, and often uses dance to compliment her scrappier fighting. She's also keen on picking up a sword one day, just to have something on hand with a bit more punch.

The Spirits of Mana

Anli is far more skilled in the use of Magic. Her magic comes not from a School of Magic found in Eorzea, but one found in her native homeland. This School of Magic is known as Elementalism, or the use of Elemental Spirits as Familiars. These gentle and benevolent, protective spirits are called "Mana Spirits", and will come to the aid of anyone that calls to them.Anli can call forth two familiars: the Spirit of Fire, Salamander and the Spirit of Light, Wisp. She has a deep and close friendship with these two spirits, and they often happily come to her of their own free will to perform with her when she sings, dances and plays music. And if need, she can call upon their protection and strength in times of combat and duress.

Key Weaknesses

Anli is not a trained fighter by any means. While she is scrappy and well able to defend herself in a pinch, she is no true warrior. As such, a more skilled opponent can easily over-power the young woman. She's fast, she's nimble, she's agile and can throw a mean-right-hook. But when push comes to shove, she'll have to turn and run.Anli is more magically inclined, and can call her Familiars for aid. But as powerful as Salamander and Wisp are, they cannot always protect her. With no magical focus to help channel her aether, the Familiars cannot not stay long on the battlefield. When that happens, Anli must make good her escape instead.

RP Hooks

Some RP Hooks maybe rather Lore-Bendy! Please approach with this in mind. Anli is a pretty flexible sort of character, of whom can fit into most situations and genres, give or take my own personal comfort levels.

• A Wanderer – Anli is a free-spirit, and likes to travel from place to place. The City-States of the Eorzean Alliance, the frontiers of Gyr Abania, the reaches of the Far East... She'll wander to anywhere and anyplace, happily taking in new sights and adventures along the way.

• A Dancer – Anli dances her way through life. Literally. She's always tapping her foot, bobbing, swaying, a sashay of her hips and skipping down roads, trails and pathways in a variety of dances. She has a fantastic sense of rhythm, playful and energetic. You might even see her taking up a pair of chakrams adorned with ribbons and bells to compliment her dancing.

• A Musician – With a song in her heart, Anli is prone to singing as much as she is prone to dancing. She carries around a dozen instruments: a fiddle, a pan-flute, spoons, tambourines, anything she can get her hands on and play. And she plays very well! On top of that, she's a very fine singer too, with a lovely, lively soprano voice full of good cheer.

• A Good Heart – Anli is a kind-hearted, compassionate young woman. While no fighter, she sees someone in trouble or in pain or even just a little lonely, she'll pop right on over to provide a smile and an offer of help. She admires the Heroes of Eld, and she's got a good opinion of that Warrior of Light running around. She may be a burgeoning hero in her own right...

• Explosive Encounters – Anli is a fiesty young woman with a short fuse, wearing her heart on her sleeve and a real distaste for bullies. Evil-Aligned characters, or folks that are otherwise rude, prickly, pranksters, nasty or mean-spirited all fall under the category of "bully" in her eyes... And she will pick a fight if she feels it's necessary.

• An Immigrant – An immigrant to Eorzea, Anli comes from a place across the sea and has since then more or less settled into a life in Eorzea. Namely by wandering from place to place with no real roots.

• The Bandana – Anli likes to wear a blue-green bandana wrapped around her head. She doesn't speak much of it, but it is deeply important to her. Was it, perhaps, a gift from someone dear to her...?

• A Doctor Friend – Anli has one very dear, very close friend in her life, of whom she had known for many years; a gentle, compassionate doctor turned cynical and jaded named Kaleb M'avyare. The two could not be any more different, but Anli considers him to be her best friend. But just how are these two friends? And what is their connection?

• True Love? – Anli is single, and available to be shipped. However, she doesn't seem all that interested in finding someone new, let alone opening her heart to a deeper connection. That would mean having to stay put and settle down. Any feelings she develops for someone would only be towards Miqo'te men, and someone of whom is equally happy with wandering as she is. Slow burn, baby. Slow burn.

OOC Information

Personal RP Boundaries

I Will RP...

  • General RP

  • Character-Based RP

  • Campaign RP

  • Slice of Life RP

Ask Me First...

  • Lore-Bending & High Fantasy

  • Mature Themes

  • Injuries/Torture

  • Dark/Criminal Themes

  • Romantic RP

No Thanks...

  • Death/Maiming

  • Rape/Sexual Assault

  • Polyamory

  • Erotic RP

About Me

I am longtime fandom veteran with 20+ years of writing, story-telling and art experience under my belt.I am something of a reserved person, and Trust in my RP Partner is first and foremost in any interaction. Walk-ups, tells or Discord messages are very welcome.IC and OOC are entirely seperate things! My characters are fictional fanfiction characters in a video game, and do not reflect me as a person. I understand that people are people, and that due to the collaborative and sometimes intimate nature of RP, things happen. However, this does not grant permission or allowances for IC and OOC to bleed. If bleed happens, I expect all parties involved to be able to step back and collect themselves. If the problem persists, the RP is over and contact is cut.I am in the EST Timezone. I am active most evenings from 5:30-9:30 PM (EST), and all-day most weekends Saturdays & Sundays. I will go to bed at early times due to preference.I am on the Balmung Server!I am supportive of the LGBTQ+ Community and players, even when I myself am not LGBTQ+. As such, I do not RP with anyone of whom uses transphobic terms such as futa/trap/etc to describe their character.

Contact Me

You can best contact me through the following methods:
In-Game: Anli Bolnivard @ Balmung – Tells Preferred!
Discord: Available on Request